Be Love

In a world with such darkness it is essential that we recall our power as wise light beings. Our loving presence heals the wounds within and invites those around us to remember themselves as vessels for kindness.

As a compassionate witness, we can hold the space for the body to be relaxed and the mind open while we receive and learn from our experiences. When we learn how to skillfully recalibrate our victim mentalities to an awakened sense of heartfelt being we can meet each moment as an opportunity for grace and growth.

This way of perceiving helps us make difficult decisions that will transform our lives for the better, releasing what no longer serves us and welcoming the abundance of what life here has to offer. It reminds us that we have the ability to transform life diminishing energy into life affirming radiance.

Living as your loving soulful self in this human experience in full presence, with intention, attention, and inspired action from creative source liberates you to honor your authentic self. This reveals your sense of having always been whole, connected, and loved and being more open to sharing those qualities of love and light with all.

The health of all beings rests in how much love is activated in the shared journey.