“Why are we on the planet?”, I wondered at 10 years old.
I already sensed, without being able to articulate it, that the world seemed full of people, including me, who were addicted to complaining, judging, and lying to themselves and others, creating collective pain.
“Why is there so much pain? I was naturally drawn to observe and make connections at a very young age, I witnessed people harming themselves and others when kinder options were available.
I could feel the vibration of my emotions and the emotions of others around me without understanding that what was happening in my body. It was a physiological response to thought constructs and the waves of energy that emit from them. If the thoughts were uplifting I felt more elation. If they were diminishing I felt sadness along with other heavier emotions arising within me, changing my mood.
What I have grown to understand is that it is an electro-magnetic disharmony. It is a misalignment of my heartfelt desires, the thoughts I engage with, my actions, and the emotions I identify with from moment to moment. It is my energy field miscalibrated and asking for me to come home to my essence, to remember my freest self.
So, I sought, experimented, educated, researched patterns in humanity and nature, studied myriad subjects related to trauma and states of consciousness, explored various energy medicine journeys and healings, traveled throughout the fields of the body, expanded my consciousness in every which way I could find, and finally surrendered to a vibrational relationship as pulsing potential….all that is….source itself.
I continue to learn how to gracefully be consciousness having a human experience, learning how to live as loving, intentional, grounded, heartfelt truth is my practice, my song, and my offering to the world.