In order to feel more at ease and empowered to create the life that we want to experience it is crucial that our energy is balanced and free to move throughout the body and beyond.

Habitual thought patterns, hypersensitivity, hypervigilance, repetitive movements, disease, and emotional dysregulation can inhibit the fluidity of reiki (universal life energy) and Qi (vital life force), making it more difficult for the mind, the systems of the body, and the energetic field to function optimally for you.

Therapeutic Yoga, Dance, Qi Gong, and Qi Sensing

Intentional and invitational movement is a diagnostic tool to show us where our bodies hold toxic stories and patterns. This loving movement, when incorporated throughout the day, allows the body vessel to flush the stagnation of stuck emotions, thoughts, and energy.

A moving Qi practice that is weaved throughout each day creates new responses for releasing habitual patterns as they arise. This creates clarity for consciously choosing to co-create new patterns. Welcome healing through fluid and functional movement woven into the exploration of what wants to expand and dissolve through you with the support of Source and Spirit.

During movement, one may notice an emotional discomfort arising and be invited to stay with the movement, allowing the discomfort to pass, telling the brain, body, and heart that all is well even when unease is present.

When physical discomfort is arising during co-creative dialogue and meditation one may be invited to release that through specific movements targeted for opening the energy pathways in that area of the body.

Sound & Voice Therapy

The exploration through sound and vibrational language helps one to understand the multidimensional aspects of being consciousness having a human experience, being part of a powerful electromagnetic field, and knowing how to better balance and align our own energy through the natural sounds of nature, the range of our voices, or other instruments that bring us back home to ourselves. Natural healing mechanisms open when resonating with the vibration of harmonic sound.

There is a unique vibrational signature for every being. In fact, there are some sounds and vibrational frequencies that are very triggering and not resonant for individuals. Being able to recalibrate our perception and physical circumstances when faced with uncomfortable body experiences allows us to be more powerful alchemists of our moment to moment experience.

Sensing into the body’s complex web of systems allows us to have an intimate and clear bridge of communication with our body while receiving the wisdom of the information in our shared field.