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Channeling Heart Resonance IN-PERSON @ The Nest, An Afternoon Exploration of Opening The Portals toYour Own Channel

  • Kim Gebro 60 Wilder Street Peterborough United States (map)

This is an in-person channeled event being held at The Nest. We will gather, ground, and expand into our formless light. This exploration will include guided meditations and journeys, honing perception, and learning how to step aside from the narrative of the conditioned mind in order to be a clear vessel for universal consciousness and our highest states of being.

This afternoon is meant for those who are interested in expanding their mastery of being alchemists of the human experience and energy itself.

When toxic and limiting thought patterns dismantle stagnant body sensations become free from stories that are stranded and stuck in the vessel. The heart truly breaks open to source and being human becomes an abundant gift that never stops giving us what we need when we need it.

The day will flow as we explore:

  • Develop a more clear body map and understanding of your points of human story trigger and release to allow for your unique creative flow to be active in the body vessel

  • Practice trusting in divine timing, feeling the vibrational validation of synchronicities

  • Learn how to clear your channel to be a clear portal for receiving universal consciousness in whatever ways you are designed to (clairs)

  • Create boundaries and healthy agreements with self and others

  • Strengthen your ability to be present and in a state of loving conscious awareness regardless of circumstances

  • Experiment with the power of vibrational language via words, body engagement, facial expressions, and unspoken emotional responses

  • Become masterful at being in states of silence and active listening even when you are in the presence of others

  • Remember how to play and enjoy the unpredictable nature of being human on the planet

  • Learn how to create heart resonance in the midst of perceived separation

  • Cultivate clear communication and the ability to speak your authentic truth and honor that truth in every moment

Looking forward to sharing heartfelt resonance in the field with you.


8 participants max for this event


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