Source & Spirit

lovingly encouraging you to be grace, voice truth, and live freely

There is not a moment when we are not with you. We are you. You are us. There is no separation between our energetic beings. Source is simply the energetic field that holds all information, all possibilities, and anything you would consider “past”, “present”, or “future”.

When we open the portals to the field we welcome the wisdom that is available to all beings. We invite you to remember that you are a part of the sea of Source and spirit itself, an energetic being that remembers its travels as human even when it is formless. This is why those who have “died” on the planet earth may visit those who still remain.

Our entire purpose is to help humanity remember that they are pulsing potential and that all that is said and done nourishes or diminishes the presence of your spirit along the way. When we practice with you how to identify patterns in a non-personal and felt way, you are able to see and sense that the stories that you have lived are already done even though the human remembers these in the body, mind, and heart.

We are here to help you understand how much power you have to transform the toxic stories of your life in the way that your heart calls. We are not here to tell you who you are or what to do. We curiously and excitedly inquire into your patterns and teach you how to recognize and recalibrate those that cause harm to you and others.

We assist you by being a mirror for you to recognize and honor what wants to shine through you as you walk your path on planet earth.