You are the pulsing potential of the universe.

We Are Energy

We ARE the energy field and are constantly blending individual energy fields.

If we are living unconsciously, we are highly influenced by the ever changing states of others or our habitual inner narrative. We forget that we are not our thoughts, emotions, or body sensations, but rather the loving, formless observer of them.

We are energy beings having a human experience.

We truly have the power to choose how we feel in regards to all circumstances arising. The quality of our choices will trigger energetic, physical, mental, and emotional responses in the human vessel to either promote healing and ease or create more stagnation and a limited perception of what life can be.

We are potential waiting to be activated by our soul’s longings.

If we are living consciously we can recognize when our body is triggered and is releasing the energy of an old version of ourselves. Being fully present with what is arising in each moment provides space for reactions to be responses instead. The feeling of being a victim shifts into being a brilliant alchemist of how this new moment is experienced, regardless of whether the circumstances initially feel pleasant or unpleasant.