What is channeling?

Being open to one’s self as a conscious channel is to be open to the limitless possibilities of creation.

We are all channels. Allow yourself to explore the idea that we are an essential part of this information energy field called SOURCE, containing all experiences and all possibility.

If that is true, then we are also that through which information and energy passes. We are all channels, portals, constantly emitting and receiving information in the field.

Channeling is a state of being unique to each person. It is allowing our perception to clear attachments to our beliefs, values, and expectations of ourselves and others. It is a way of blending with all that exists so that this shared field of healing energy, spirit, and wisdom is accessible for creation and connection while living as human.

We are an essential part of the field itself. When we are disconnected from being loving consciousness we lose our sense of self. The deeper loving connection to all beings and the flow of life becomes stagnant. It can cause discomfort and disease. Being fully present with the body while being consciousness is a powerful way to be a clear portal of healing and wisdom. As an active receiver of loving source wisdom we physically sense our wisest self intuitively guiding us.