Connecting with Spirit
Spirit is always present amongst us and supporting our human journeys. We are Spirit and Source having this experience. Therefore, our channels to deeper wisdom will open as we co-create heart resonance and a clear portal for loved ones to share specific messages and/or Source to share its clarity with you.
The intention of this connection with Spirit and Source is to ignite your own portal to Spirit so that you may feel your loved ones who have passed as they share love and guidance through technology, butterflies, birds, pennies, feathers, shells, or specific symbols that are personal to you. You are never alone.
My focus is not evidentiary mediumship, which provides exact details about the type of death, names, ages, life circumstances, etc. from loved ones in Spirit. However, I do receive very clear images and messages when spirit absolutely wants to make sure you need to know it is a specific loved one wanting to connect. They may even provide specific details that only you can recognize as an experience of their human being, shared life with you, and events currently unfolding in your life. I will share the essence of who is coming through and the loving messages that are being shared with you for you.