Guided Meditation & Holographic Journeys

Guided Meditation

Learn how to skillfully use attention, breath, and body sensing to release mental, emotional, and physical patterns that are inhibiting you from feeling at ease and clear of mind and heart. Recalibrate your nervous system and be loving conscious awareness in every moment.

Cultivate the ability to notice how your stress response is being triggered by developing mind-body awareness; the ability to sense the physical sensations, thoughts, and emotions that arise in moments when you feel unsteady.

Holographic Journeys

Different from guided meditations that invite you to notice what is arising in your field of being, holographic journeys guide you through your senses in a way that expands your connection with the multidimensional aspects of you and all that exists.

There will be more imagery provided in this experience to open your channel to source and your spirit’s voice. It is an invitational journey for creation and healing on a profound level as we open the portal to pulsing possibilities.

No previous meditations knowledge is necessary to begin.

When you develop a conscious relationship with what is arising it directly impacts how you experience your life by inviting you to deliberately create your responses to what is happening rather than relying on habitual reactions to guide your experience.