Explore Healing & Expansion with the Ancestors, Source, & Your Authentic Spirit
This is a very powerful technique for releasing intergenerational trauma and impactful imprints of life experiences from the nervous system and body vessel. This method allows the client to meet old memories from a more empowered and enlightened perspective allowing tremendous healing and re-patterning of self-defeating habits of the mind.
We only welcome what wants to arise in the moment. There is no digging into the trauma box to pull the past out. Intuitively, you will know what wants to be met and reframed for more freedom, ease, and joy.
The technique invites the participant to bring the mind and body into a deeper state of consciousness as we welcome discomfort and sit with it in loving awareness. As you connect with the physical and energetic aspects of your body vessel and field you are asked to notice what is arising in your awareness and how thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations are guiding you to the stories embedded in the body that are ready to be released to make room for the NOW YOU.
We will welcome your disillusioned and disempowered inner children with honor and dignity. The wise mystical and loving WHOLE you will take the lead choosing yes or no along the exploration. This practice of choosing empowers old versions of you that may have surrendered your wisdom and power to people pleasing or avoiding speaking your truth.
Source love and wisdom is here to guide you as you become very familiar with the personality of old memories and how they have impacted you thus far in this human journey. Co-creators walk away from this experience more validated, seen, and heard. They have a clarity about what their hearts are calling them to shift in service of their own light and precious time on the planet.