Transforming Energy

Reunite with Source

You are a spacious, formless, timeless light being, made of the same structures that make up this universe. Separation is the illusion. Division is a choice that we create, resulting in pain. This separation starts within ourselves and is played out through interactions with those around us.

Imagine the Energy Field like a Book of Choices

All knowledge, every possible personality trait, every action, all beliefs, and everything humans perceive as the past and future rest in these places as individual and collective potential. Every moment, we have the freedom to choose which costume from the closet of archetypes and personality traits we want to put on. These agreements we make have a tremendous impact on the lives we lead. Its threads of loving or fearful energy are reinforced in the woven field of us. We all feel every choice made in the field, even if we are not aware of it.

Free Will & The Gift of Knowing What Aligns with You

When we allow ourselves to access universal consciousness, are guided by our intuitive voice, and honor our inner wisdom, we begin to feel empowered as the writer of our human story, rather than an actor trapped in outdated scripts that are written by others and no longer reflect ours heart’s peace and calls.

What we ignore as the mundane is sacred.

Every moment is an invitation for us to choose what kind of vibrational field we want to live AS, sharing it and being nourished by it. Creating the imprints of loving presence rather than waiting to receive the unconscious imprints of fear and confusion align us with loving source energy.

From this expansive source, we get to figure out who we are, why we are here, and how to enjoy the ride on this massive being spinning in the universe, as ONE.